воскресенье, 14 апреля 2013 г.


После смерти Тэтчер от инсульта в прошлое воскрсенье песня Ding Dong, the Witch is dead (Страна Оз) стала хитом в чартах музыкальных англоязычного мира. В СССР был толи римейк этого американского фильма, толи мультик, помню человека-Дровосека очень хорошо.
Фильм-оригинал конца 30х с Джуди Гарланд, фильм очень известный (как наша Ирония судьбы) и песню просто выудили из фильма ее антисторонники, неприлично празднуют ее смерть.

After Mrs Margaret Thatcher died last Sunday, a single from the Weird of Oz Ding Dong, the Witch is dead hit the English musical charts. The movie starring Judie Garland was released in the end of the 30s. It's one of the best recognizable movies in history and its popularity is similar to our Irony of Fate. By the way, I remember there used to be a remake of this movie or a cartoon in the Soviet Union, and I used to love it as a child.
The iron lady had many anti-supporters due to her controversial politics and what is known as anti-trade union laws.
An interesting note on Wikpedia:
"To her supporters, she was a revolutionary figure who transformed Britain's stagnant economy, tamed the unions and re-established the country as a world power.
Together with US presidents Reagan and Bush, she helped bring about the end of the Cold War.
But her 11-year premiership was also marked by social unrest, industrial strife and high unemployment.
Her critics claim British society is still feeling the effect of her divisive economic policies and the culture of greed and selfishness they allegedly promoted."
Я опять с интернетом. Месяц не было. Теперь новый модем Wi-Fi, так чтобы можно было и айпэд использовать. Смотрю новый сериал от автора-режиссера Черного зеркала. Английский сериал называется Утопия. Очень умно и захватывающе, но наверное не каждый оценит.
At last I've got the Internet. Haven't had an access on my computer for more than a month. I've got a new Wi-Fi modem and will be able to go online on an iPad. I started watching a new English series called Utopia, a new creation of the Black mirror director. I think the episodes are clever and intriguing, but probably not for everyone.