вторник, 11 августа 2009 г.

Swine flu. Полезное чтиво.

You can’t have swine flu. Susan Mayor, freelance journalist, London. Published 22 July 2009. The Health Protection Agency phoned two days later to tell me that I was infected with A/H1N1 influenza. Very surprised, I then assumed that I would quickly recover from the "mild flu-like illness" that was being portrayed in the media. But no. I felt so unwell that I ended up staying in bed for nearly three weeks.

So I was stuck in my bedroom, lying down because I felt so sick, unable to read because my eyes were so sore, coughing away, and with only BBC Radio 4 for company and flowers from close colleagues to cheer me up.

I did feel better in the end. But my observational study (n=1) suggests that the assumption that swine flu causes only mild illness may have been simplistic. Sadly, the recent deaths of people who apparently had no underlying illness also indicates that assumptions that swine flu poses no real risk may have been premature.

11 августа 2009

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