понедельник, 28 июля 2014 г.


At last the cheapest earrings. Brazil Pierced Earrings, Article no.: 5076878
Approximate size: 3.5 cm
AUD 245.00 http://www.swarovski.com/Web_AU/en/5076878/product/Brazil_Pierced_Earrings.html. I really love them. Oh, yes, I do. Very modest, modern and elegant. My longing self has already set on buying two pairs. But see how I will go.

Swarovski Bright Pierced Earrings

This pair is a more, so to say, cost effective version. I might decide to look at these earrings as well. The jewelry is deceptive, the online version might look different in reality. It's always a good idea to make a purchase in a boutique rather than in an online store. Bright Pierced Earrings will be my plan B.
Article no.: 5077773
Approximate size: 6 cm
AUD 305.00.
http://www.swarovski.com/Web_AU/en/5077773/product/Bright_Pierced_Earrings.html Shorter and more sparkling, these can be worn in the daytime as well as at night. Love them!

Swarovski Billion Pierced Earrings

To disperse my sorrow a little bit I looked through Swarovski Fall-Winter 2014 collection. My mom was a big fan of Swarovski. I found some lovely items on their website. First, Swarovski Billion Pierced Earrings, Article no.: 5070627
Approximate size: 8.5 cm
AUD 505.00
. Aren't they gorgeous? They are not available online, so I would probably check the local boutiques late this year when Christmas discounts apply. http://www.swarovski.com/Web_AU/en/5070627/product/Billion_Pierced_Earrings.html There is also a matching ring, but I don't think it will fit my style as my fingers are small, the ring is huge.

воскресенье, 27 июля 2014 г.

Качественный российский сериал Синдром дракона (2012). Немного сложный сюжет, но тем и хорош, что держит в напряжении. Рекомендую.

четверг, 17 июля 2014 г.

15 июля 2014 года в 4 часа вечера умерла моя мамочка. После смерти папы она долго болела. Люблю ее невероятно, всегда буду любить. Унесла с собой мое сердце. Будет похоронена в пятницу, 18 июля на кладбище Данденонг. Солнце мое ушло.